Training SPC for attributes
In this training module, attribute processes are simulated by taking samples from a box filled with coloured beads. The results of the simulation can be quickly displayed on control charts, a Pareto chart, a scattergram or a tables of results. The training module also contains a complete simulation of Deming's red beads experiment.
Real-time analysis for variables and attributes
With a set-up Wizard, you can quickly define a data entry table for new data, including date and time fields, note fields, fields with other production information (like process settings and tracking and tracing information). Once data has been entered you have full analysis capabilities with the control chart, histogram, Pareto chart and scattergram. SPC Wizard contains many features to facilitate data analysis.
Process improvement game
In the process improvement game, the student is confronted with 4 possible special causes of variation. The student has to use the control chart to identify which of the special causes are present and affecting the process.
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